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20 Turkish Actresses Before and After Surgery 😮, Plastic Surgery, Turkish Celebrity News and Turkish Series News

20 Turkish Actresses Before and After Surgery , Plastic Surgery, Turkish Celebrity News and Turkish Series News Melike Ä°pek Yalova: This act...

20 Turkish Actresses Before and After Surgery , Plastic Surgery, Turkish Celebrity News and Turkish Series News

Melike Ä°pek Yalova:

This actress draws all the attentions to herself by being exactly alike the old and famous Turkish actress, Türkan Şoray and everyone thought that this similarity is natural.

But only by taking a look at some of her old photos, it turned out that Melike has put so much effort on this.

She has injected silicone to her lips for instance.

Ä°layda AliÅŸan:

There have been some claims by the media that Ä°layda has done beauty surgeries on her face with comparing Ä°layda’s old and new photos.

But she’s reacted to these claims and said, she’s done nothing but making her lips bigger.

Hande Ataizi:

This actress has probably done more than

10 beauty surgeries, on her face and body.

She’s done some surgeries and injections on her breasts, nose, chin and lips and she’s taken away her extra belly fat by doing liposuction.

Aslıhan Güner:

With the start of the Kuzey Yildizi series, everyone was talking about the beauty of the red head, Yildizi performed by Aslıhan Güner.

But by taking a look at her old photos it turned out that she’s one of those actresses

who has done surgery before, but she denies it like the others.

I’m not anyone to judge.

Ebru Åžahin:

Ebru who got lots of fame by acting in the Hercai series as Reyyan has done several beauty surgeries on her face.

She’s done some surgeries on her nose and eyebrows.

Magical surgeries that now have turned her to one of the hottest Turkish actresses.

Hilal Altınbilek:

If you’ve ever seen Hilal’s face for the first time as Züleyha in the Bir Zamanlar Çukurova series, you’ve probably noticed her doll-ish nose.

That’s right. The beautiful Züleyha in the Bir Zamanlar Çukurova series has done beauty surgeries. But this isn’t all.

Turkish media has announced that Hilal has done an eyelid beauty surgery and surgeries on her chicks and chin other than her nosejob.

But she only said that she just got her teeth done and this makes others think that she’s made changes on her chicks and chin too.

Mine Tugay:

This beautiful actress is one of those people who if you look at her old pictures, you’re going to face a whole different woman since she’s changed so much.

She’s done a nose job and a few small correction surgeries on her chin, chicks and eyebrows.

Serenay Sarıkaya:

This famous and controversial actress has done prosthetics on her lips and has injected silicone to her breasts.

Nesrin Cavadzade:

Some of the news networks have claimed that she’s done beauty surgeries

on her nose, eyelids and eyebrows and has faded her smile line with Botox

by publishing old photos of Nesrin as Åžahika in the Yasak Elma series.

Although Nesrin believes that she hasn’t done any surgeries herself like the most other actresses,

she says her old photos are taken in a bad angle and she also dedicated this beauty to the miracle of healthy food and exercising.

Aslı Enver:

it’s been said that this actress who got  lots of fame and popularity by acting in the Ä°stanbullu Gelin series, has done some small correction surgeries on her chicks and jaw but lots of people believe that these changes are because of losing weight, not beauty surgeries.

Dilan Çiçek Deniz:

Like most other actresses, Dilan has also claimed that she hasn’t done any beauty surgeries but according to the published news and photos, she got a nose job, lifted her eyebrows, got her teeth done and has even injected silicone to her breasts.

Deniz Baysal:

Deniz has corrected the form of her nose by getting a nose job.

She’s claimed that she’s broken her nose twice a few years ago when a ball was thrown at it and so it got deformed.

So, she had no choice but to get a nose surgery.

Fahriye Evcen:

One of the actresses who the surgeriescame out so well on her face, is Fahriye. She’s totally changed her face by getting a few useful beauty surgeries.

She’s lifted up her eyebrows and but her main surgeries were about her chin and her nose and it’s been said that she’s even changed the color of her eyes!

Burçin Terzioğlu:

This lovely actress  got a nose job and it seems that she just got some Botox for a few parts of her face.

Meryem Uzerli:

This gorgeous actress who was about to lose her beauty by aging, got several beauty surgeries.

First of all, she got lifting surgery to get the youth and glow of her skin back.

After that, she prosthetized her lips, Injected Botox on her face and got a chin surgery.

Although she’s not this type of person but after her fans attacked her and said they don’t like her new looks, especially her chin surgery, she finally confessed that she really did too much gel and Botox for a while due to her low self esteem and she really regrets it, so she’ll never do Botox and face fillers ever again.

Birce Akalay:

Birce Akalay is a fabulous actress butshe’s turned into this after gettin several surgeries.

She’s corrected her chick bones, Got Botox on her lips, lifted her eyebrows and got a nose job.

Her difference is so much that you may be surprised after seeing her old photos and wonder if this is really Birce of not.

Demet Özdemir:

Demet Özdemir claims she’s done no beauty surgeries on her face.

But her old pictures and the news, show that besides Botox

and getting her eyebrows lifted, she’s done a few correction surgeries on her 

which the most important one of them all is her jawline bone.

Nurgül Yeşilay:

The 44 years old Nurgül Yeşilay got Botox to get rid of the little wrinkles on her face.

She admitted this herself. Additionally,

she says that she regrets this surgery

and says people should embrace themselves and accept their own appearance.

Ceyda AteÅŸ:

Ceyda has made her lips and breasts 
bigger by getting silicone Prosthesis.

She also got 3 nose jobs! A few years ago, she broke her nose.

She did a beauty surgery on her nose to recover it again.

Meanwhile, there were some news heard about her getting Botox.

Of course, she rejected all these news.

She always claims that her beauty is God-given!

Esra Bilgiç:

The news show that this attractive and beautiful Turkish actress got correction surgeries on her chin.

She denies these news herself and she says since high school, her face changed due to losing weight

Tuvana Türkay:

You’ll probably be shocked after  looking at this actress’s old picture because she’s really changed.

She got several surgeries in a while.

Her first surgery was her nose job.

After that she got her lips and her teeth done.

She even got a surgery on her breasts. But this isn’t all

because she also got a surgery on her chicks and got her second nose job later!

She recently got mad in return to the comments about her beauty surgeries

and said If there’s a small surgery on my face other than my nose,

I’ll leave the acting industry and my country.

Hande Erçel:

One of the most shocking beauty surgeries among actresses goes to Hande Erçel which is getting viral now.

Before getting surgeries, Hande had an innocent and cute face or baby-faced as they say.

With all this, she did a few surgeries to make her face oval shaped

and she also corrected her jaw and chin form.

These surgeries besides losing weight, made a lot of changes on her face and after this massive change her fans separated into 3 groups:

The ones who prefer her old look and so attacked her because of her new face, others believe she got more beautiful and the other group still believe she didn’t have any surgeries and these are all rumors and all these changes are only because of her loss of weight.

Well, Tell us which type of fan are you?

what’s your opinion on these beauty 
plastic surgeries?

Which other actors do you know that became really different after they had surgeries and injectables?

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